Conservative? Not In My BC - C?NIMBC
OPEN LETTER from a Canadian veteran of World War Two
It is not my intent to lecture or preach; however the upcoming federal elections to me will determine Canada’s future. As an 89 year old octogenarian and a WW II veteran I do have some experience that qualifies me to put in my two cents worth in the public debate. Now the election has been announced in the media.
That brings me to a most important point. I have noticed that conversations overheard and that we have participated in reveal a puzzling fact. Not all, but a lot of what I hear is almost verbatim from articles one sees in major papers or hears and see on TV. They do not seem to be the ideas and thoughts of the individual who said them. It is an indication of why the media plays such an important role in elections. They mould public opinion. Worse their corporate owners use them to successfully brainwash the general public into support for the status quo.
We live in an electronic age. The Internet has opened the door to an information source unheard of before. We have virtually instantaneous world news as a part of it. Broadcasts are now streamed etc., on the Internet, for whoever wishes to view and hear them. A far cry from when we listed to my uncle’s crystal radio when I was young. Crystal radio, you know with a “cats whisker to tune it, look it up in the library or on the net. You can with some difficulty find sources of information from both sides of any issue. For our futures sake please, before you make up your mind and vote do so.
It might be a good idea to recall the history of 1933 – 1939 Germany that led to WW II. There is an amazing similarity between then and now. It is said history does not repeat itself. I believe that history passes through time like a spiral and at some time when conditions are the same or close it does. Those who do not remember the past are sometimes doomed to relive it. Perhaps the words of Pastor Niemöller would help, (It is not his original, which is hard to find
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
The they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.”
Since the new conservative party was formed with its roots in reform party and since it came to power and became the government of Canada the first two sentences have come into being. Harper is using the NDP to misrepresent to Canadians as socialist and something to fear especially for a coalition. Canadian Unions are under attack. Harper has reversed Canada’s former role regarding world peace and has now tied our foreign policy to that of the US – Israeli axis of evil. He has increased expenditures for the defence of Canada. A closer examination will reveal it is to enhance Canada’s role in NATO and for the North American defence (sic) USA. Government has concentrated its spending for war not peace. As a result Medicare, all aspects, is increasingly privatized. Housing for low-income results in people living on the streets. One of the biggest shames to Canada is the growth of food banks and soup kitchens. The trickle down theory that the more money made at the top the more employment there will be is not working – just the reverse, our unemployment is growing. What the government created is on the lower income bracket.
Well, as the song says “these are a few of my favourite things,” but they will perhaps suffice to whet you appetite to learn more before you vote. If Harper is re-elected, even as another minority government, we are in for more of the same and perhaps much worse!
John Beeching
4715 Lanark Street
Vancouver, BC V5N 3R9
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